Saturday, February 5, 2011

Birthday Time

    My girlfriend and I went out with some friends for my birthday last night. I was hoping to have a good time. I did. We went out to eat first. Then, we went to Jagerfest at Pop's for a while. When the concert was over it was still early so we went to a bar.
    We went to Mariachi's and I had the chicken and steak fajitas. If you've never had them I highly reccomend them. It's my favorite thing to eat. After we finished eating I had to run home and get my Jagermeister shirt because I was in such a hurry to go I had forgot to put it on.
    Upon our arrival at Pop's the concert wasn't even half over and some guy was getting thrown out for having a billy club. Hell Yeah was getting set up to play. I listened to a little of their music but it just wasn't for me. So we found some of our other friends and hung out with them in the smoking area for a while. Then went up to the VIP section for a while where my friends and I took some pictures with the Jager Girls.
 By the time we were done with that and getting pretty hammered on Jager Bombs, Buck Cherry was starting their gig. So we hung out in the VIP section and listened to the rest of their music. They finished their set so I turned to talked to my girlfriend for a few minutes. When I looked back down at the crowd there was nothing left but a bunch of plastic cups on the floor. We could have went down and met the bands but we were ready to go so we left.
     When we got back to Belleville it was only midnight and I just couldn't end my birthday that early. You know those places where everyone you talk to says you have to go there. We went to Schatze's because a lot of my friends tell me how awesome it is. It's not a bad place but it just wasn't my thing. They had a band there that was playing some pretty good old school rock music. Around one o'clock some old guy was so wasted you couldn't understand a word he said. He kept buying me and my friends beer after beer and I was already over the line so I just kept telling the bartender to save it for me for later. I have a lot of drinks there on reserve that I will never see but I'm cool with it somehow.


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday. It sounds like you had a pretty memorable one. The music sounds lioke it was awesome as well. Remember to live each day as if it is your last!

  2. Happy birthday, and your birthday sounds like it was a blast! Enjoyed your pictures

  3. Happy B-Day, sounds like you had an awesome time. Rock on!
